Dawn Engle

Dawn Engle

Dawn Gifford Engle is an activist and filmmaker, and she has been nominated sixteen times for the Nobel Peace Prize. She directed the award-winning documentary films, “PEACEJAM”, “Mayan Renaissance”, “Children of the Light”, “Rivers of Hope”, and “Daughter of the Maya”. She also co-authored the book, “PEACEJAM: A Billion Simple Acts of Peace”, which was published by Penguin in 2008. She has a background in public service, working 12 years for the U.S. Congress, and she was the youngest woman ever appointed to serve as Chief of Staff for a U.S. Senator. In 1994, Dawn Gifford Engle and Ivan Suvanjieff created the PeaceJam Foundation, which has been recognized nationally as an award-winning service-learning program, and internationally for excellence in peace education.