100,000 Miles A Second

100,000 Miles a Second Film

100,000 Miles A Second

100,000 Miles A Second

Film Maker: Patricia Fox


A Woman with multiple sclerosis goes to a local co-op at the end of a busy workday. She’s exhausted. After fighting to find a parking spot in the crowded lot, she gets a call from her boyfriend on her cell. She talks to him about the neurology appointment she had earlier that day, and how the doctor dismissed her, she’s experiencing problems walking. They hang up. She has an emotional meltdown in her car.

A concerned person walking past sees her. She pulls herself together enough to get her errand done at the store. A  homeless musician plays mandolin outside the entrance. He saw her pull in the lot and watches her walk up to him. She digs a few coins out her purse, he takes the opportunity to talk to her about how fast we are traveling through the Universe. His tall tale reframes the way she’s been thinking about her situation, she realizes she’s been blocking her own momentum by creating a hell instead of a heaven in her mind.