Deborah Harse

Deborah Harse

With curiosity as the main impetus, I began my adult life exploring the world by bicycle. For fifteen years I traveled back
and forth from my home in NYC to Asia, Latin America, Europe and North Africa. Working mostly as a massage therapist, I’d
save money and then set off again on my bike to spend several months traversing another part of the globe. Through the
course of experiencing other cultures I developed a passion for photography and had several exhibitions of long-term

In 2005 I took Dirck Halstead’s intensive “Platypus Workshop” in digital video, and one year later shot, produced and
directed a 75 minute documentary titled “Marathon Beirut, for the Love of Lebanon”. The film screened at over twenty
festivals, won awards and ultimately found distribution.

Through documentary film I strive to portray the compassion and human dignity that prevails around the world despite
ongoing adversity, and to emphasize how our similarities outweigh our differences. My current feature, “A Miracle A Day”, is
now in the festival submission process.