Special Guests
Posted at h
Reba Winsinger
Days for Girls
Liliya Anisimova
No More Tears
Macy Rae Klein
Project Reason
Ross Dinerstein
Producer of Love and Bananas
Rafael Cabrera
Star of Skid Row Marathon
Frank Martin
Nannette Weinhold
Compassion With a Camera
Let Them Roar
Musicians / Band
John Bruna
Wisdom and Tools of Compassion
Smythe & Taylor
Musicians / Band
Rhonda Rodgers
Self Compassion
Vanessa Kettering
Self Compassion
Jen Close
Start With Hello
Gabriele Hayes
Producer of Skid Row Marathon
Karen Barbee
NonViolent Communication and Forgiveness
John Masters
Moderator of Interfaith Panel Discussion
John Bruna
Way of Compassion Dharma Center
Shawna Foster
Minister serving Two Rivers Unitarian Universalists
Lance Norton
Pastor of Mid Valley Church
Emily Segal
Rabbi of Aspen Jewish Congregation